Saturday 14 May 2011

Be slim with Creatine

Tristan Middleton was an eyesore to his peers at 25. Weighing 200 pounds and bathing only every eight days, Tristan spent most of his time on the couch, where he could be found ramming popcorn into his mouth, watching TV, playing video games, or chatting on Facebook. Now at 170 lbs., Tristan is giving celebrity studs a run for their money.
It all started one day; something came up on TV. Splayed on the screen was a documentary, which gave an eye-opening account of the state of obesity in America. Disturbing images zipped by. Before long, it occurred to him that he was part of the statistics.
Suddenly Tristan felt an inner change. For all what he was doing, he realized he wasn’t ready to throw his life away to diseases attendant on obesity. Life was passing him by. He had to lose weight, fast.
At first, it was the simplest of all efforts: getting up each morning and walking two blocks. In time, those two blocks became four, six, eight. After a while he felt ready to up the ante; he started going to the gym.
His new gym buddies proved to be indispensable in this respect. They not only served to widen his social circle. They motivated him every step of the way, making sure he was doing everything right and never once ridiculing him.
Soon his gym pals introduced him to creatine, a powerful muscle-building supplement which doubles as a weight reducer. It is one of the most well-known athletic supplements, designed to impart bursts of energy to users. As such, creatine is widely used by weightlifters and runners.
Creatine functions by increasing the secretion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and facilitating its distribution to cells in the body. The liver supplies the body with enough ATP but one can easily accommodate 5-10 g of supplements at a time. According to the Creatine Information Center, one’s default diet can easily facilitate the uptake of creatine in the body.
Creatine should be consumed every day in a dose equivalent to 13.5 percent of body weight. One should take creatine in this dose for 4-5 days, a requisite period called the “loading phase.”
Tristan, who weighed 200 lbs., took creatine in daily doses of 27 g during this phase. However he spread it into four servings (6.75 g each) since the body could only take in so much at one time.
One should expect to pile on 5 pounds during the loading stage. But one should remember that these are not fats; they are just water retained in the muscles.
Following this phase, one reduces creatine consumption to 1.35 percent of body weight. Tristan promptly reduced his everyday intake to 2.7 g. This is the maintenance phase, which should last 30-31 days.
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